Starptautiskās atomenerģijas aģentūras apmācību materiāli par radiācijas drošības jautājumiem zobārtniecībā (angļu valodā)Ievietots 14.03.2021
Dear colleagues, I am writing to inform you that we just launched the new eLearning course on There are two options of using the material: - directly for self-learning without certification: - through registration in the IAEA eLearning platform that allows a certificate I hope that dental professionals will find this course useful, and will appreciate if
Ms Jenia VASSILEVA, PhD | Radiation Protection Specialist Radiation Protection of Patients Unit | Radiation Safety & Monitoring Section | Division of Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety | Department of Nuclear Safety & Security International Atomic Energy Agency | Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria| Email: |Tel: +43-1 2600-22491 Follow us on ATOMS FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT |